Man is so wicked. God, how do You do it? How do You restrain yourself from smiting this wicked generation? We deserve whatever punishment we get. We are not worthy of the mercies we receive. Brothers killing brothers; Fathers selling daughters; friends betraying friends, and perhaps the most abominable of all, the powerful crushing the helpless. Man, look at yourself and see what you have become!
We are no better than animals. The death of one is no longer cause for shock. The death of a thousand meriting only a passing acknowledgement. Indeed, look at yourself! You say you have come a long way since the caves. You claim you are civilized. Ha! Barely. The cheek of you to even think of calling yourself that! You have no respect for human life. You are deaf to the voices of children crying out in anguish. Why do you look away, you bloody coward? Look them in the eyes, the young ones. Watch them closely as they draw their last breaths. It is, after all, all of your making. Are you proud?
You wage war from east to west. You will not rest until you have destroyed all that is in your path. You agent of chaos! Are you pleased when mothers run through the streets of the city of fire searching for their children? Does it make your day knowing that the frightened child who had no part in the cause of your war is bleeding, crying and dying? He cannot move and he cannot cry out much louder. His mother cannot hear him and she will not find him. He will die wondering what he did wrong. A few blocks away from him, your bomb has also killed young love. They were going to work hard and raise a beautiful family. But you had other plans for them, did you not? You and you war!
The rivers are red with innocent blood. For the greed of man, many suffer. For the thirst for power, many are sacrificed. Why are we so wicked? Why can't we see that we only destroy ourselves when we give into the urge to destroy others? We have ceased to care. The headline says "Mourn, people, mourn. Ten million are dead!". "My family was not one of them" says one; "They probably deserved it" says another. Would you feel differently if it was your mother, your father, your son, or your daughter? How about if you met the family of just ONE of the millions and they told you how they watched their son die? Would you care then? Does it bother you that most of these unfortunate ones die confused? They don't know why they are caught in the heat of things; Why THEY must be sacrificed. For the ambitions of another man?
Ask yourself why you are so wicked. Why is man the way he is? Why are we still wild animals, killing without concern? "Haha, there goes an unsuspecting one! Let us surprise him with an atomic bomb. Let us subject his descendants to genetic mutations that will cause their peers to jeer at them!" CHAI!!! Man why are you so wicked? How did we get to the point where very little offends our senses? How did we get to the point where we would have a child watch as his parents are murdered before him in cold blood?
We will not last much longer this way. It is very clear we are self destruct. It is only a matter of time now. So, carry on wicked man! Time is running out. Carry on with your looting and killing but know this - A day will come when you will have destroyed it all. You will be left standing alone, carrying all your precious stones, blood money and oil in your arms. Suddenly you will see another man with HIS treasures. Your greed will burn through your soul and you will throw yourself at him to take what is his. Foolish wicked man! The river will swallow you up; there will be no saving you!
We are no better than animals. The death of one is no longer cause for shock. The death of a thousand meriting only a passing acknowledgement. Indeed, look at yourself! You say you have come a long way since the caves. You claim you are civilized. Ha! Barely. The cheek of you to even think of calling yourself that! You have no respect for human life. You are deaf to the voices of children crying out in anguish. Why do you look away, you bloody coward? Look them in the eyes, the young ones. Watch them closely as they draw their last breaths. It is, after all, all of your making. Are you proud?
You wage war from east to west. You will not rest until you have destroyed all that is in your path. You agent of chaos! Are you pleased when mothers run through the streets of the city of fire searching for their children? Does it make your day knowing that the frightened child who had no part in the cause of your war is bleeding, crying and dying? He cannot move and he cannot cry out much louder. His mother cannot hear him and she will not find him. He will die wondering what he did wrong. A few blocks away from him, your bomb has also killed young love. They were going to work hard and raise a beautiful family. But you had other plans for them, did you not? You and you war!
The rivers are red with innocent blood. For the greed of man, many suffer. For the thirst for power, many are sacrificed. Why are we so wicked? Why can't we see that we only destroy ourselves when we give into the urge to destroy others? We have ceased to care. The headline says "Mourn, people, mourn. Ten million are dead!". "My family was not one of them" says one; "They probably deserved it" says another. Would you feel differently if it was your mother, your father, your son, or your daughter? How about if you met the family of just ONE of the millions and they told you how they watched their son die? Would you care then? Does it bother you that most of these unfortunate ones die confused? They don't know why they are caught in the heat of things; Why THEY must be sacrificed. For the ambitions of another man?
Ask yourself why you are so wicked. Why is man the way he is? Why are we still wild animals, killing without concern? "Haha, there goes an unsuspecting one! Let us surprise him with an atomic bomb. Let us subject his descendants to genetic mutations that will cause their peers to jeer at them!" CHAI!!! Man why are you so wicked? How did we get to the point where very little offends our senses? How did we get to the point where we would have a child watch as his parents are murdered before him in cold blood?
We will not last much longer this way. It is very clear we are self destruct. It is only a matter of time now. So, carry on wicked man! Time is running out. Carry on with your looting and killing but know this - A day will come when you will have destroyed it all. You will be left standing alone, carrying all your precious stones, blood money and oil in your arms. Suddenly you will see another man with HIS treasures. Your greed will burn through your soul and you will throw yourself at him to take what is his. Foolish wicked man! The river will swallow you up; there will be no saving you!
Can't we all just get along? We really ARE self destruct. It's so sad.
USA Must stop killing. hiroshima, iraq...etc
it's happening everywhere. we r simply destroying ourselves and as you rightly pointed out, it's mostly due to greed. It's a pity!
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