Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Amazing One

Silently sacrificing it all – never a complaint, never a frown.
Forever wanting and praying for the success and happiness of loved ones.
She sits, deep in thought, “How can I make life easier for my great loves today?”

Silently projecting strength – one cannot help but feel its intensity.
Ever hoping that those dear to her heart find the same strength she did.
Her guidance, ever necessary, finds me when I ask “I am lost, what step should I take now?”

Her beauty, her grace, her elegance: Timeless.
Her intelligence, her wisdom, her character: The envy of her peers.
An outstanding woman; I am yet to find her equal.

“Self” does not exist in her world; Service to others is her religion.
The kindest heart ever possessed of a mortal.
Suddenly content, for another is happy.

Is she in pain? No one knows - she is strong for us all.
Is she afraid? There is no way of telling – she is brave for us all.

A true warrior and defender of her own.

Some have called her extraordinary.
Others have called her phenomenal.

The one constant in my life - I call her mother


Anonymous said...

i love my mom and all but...

Anonymous said...

beautiful, luv. beautiful

Anonymous said...

your mother is lucky to have a daughter like you! I see you feel it's the other way around. either way - it's nice to know there are still people that truly love their parents and children!!!